Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kopi, Manfaat dan Efek Negatifnya

Kopi adalah sejenis minuman, biasanya dihidangkan panas, dan dipersiapkan dari biji dari tanaman kopi yang dipanggang. Saat ini kopi merupakan komoditas nomor dua yang paling banyak diperdagangkan setelah minyak bumi. Total 6,7 juta ton kopi diproduksi dalam kurun waktu 1998-2000 saja. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2010, produksi kopi dunia akan mencapai 7 juta ton per tahun ( dari FAO ). Kopi merupakan sumber utama kafein.

Ada dua tipe/jenis penting kopi, yang dihasilkan oleh dua jenis tumbuhan yang berbeda: Arabika adalah kopi tradisional, dan dianggap paling enak rasanya, Robusta memiliki kafein yang lebih tinggi dapat dikembangakan dalam lingkungan di mana Arabika tidak akan tumbuh, dan membuatnya menjadi pengganti Arabika yang murah. Robusta biasanya tidak dinikmati sendiri, dikarenakan rasanya yang pahit dan asam. Robusta kualitas tinggi biasanya digunakan dalam beberapa campuran espresso.

Kopi Arabika biasanya dinamakan oleh dermaga di mana mereka diekspor, dua yang tertua adalah Mocha dan Jawa. Perdagangan kopi modern lebih spesifik tentang dari mana asal mereka, melabelkan kopi atas dasar negara, wilayah, dan kadangkala ladang pembuatnya.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Paket TELKOMSELFlash Unlimited

Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin maju dan modern sekarang ini, kebutuhan komunikasi dan informasi di masyarakat mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat pula. Kebutuhan komunikasi tidak lagi hanya sebatas voice dan SMS saja. Begitu juga dengan kebutuhan akan informasi yang semakin cepat. Hal ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia khususnya untuk menjawab tantangan ini. Dan Telkomsel sebagai operator telekomunikasi berbasis selular yang terbesar di Indonesia, dengan jangkauan yang luas dan mengcover hampir 100% area populasi di Indonesia yang tersebar di seluruh kabupaten, kecamatan dan desa di seluruh Indonesia, dan didukung lebih dari 30,000 BTS (Base Transceiver Stations) serta penggunaan teknologi GSM 900, DCS dan 1800 (dual band), GPRS,Wi-Fi, EDGE, 3G, 3.5G/HSDPA, dan HSPA, menjawab tantangan ini dengan memberikan layanan Telkomsel Flash Unlimited, yang artinya pelanggan dapat menikmati paket data Telkomsel sepuasnya tanpa batas, dimana saja dan kapan saja. Dengan adanya layanan ini masyarakat Indonesia diharapkan dapat semakin maju dan cerdas melalui kemudahan akses informasi ke seluruh dunia.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Upgrade OS pada BlackBerry

Operating System atau biasa disingkat OS merupakan komponen software yang sangat vital pada BlackBerry. OS ini mendukung kinerja BlackBerry untuk melakukan multitasking beberapa fitur andalannya, yaitu push email, internet browsing, chatting, multimedia dan beberapa fitur social media.

Mengupgrade OS pada BlackBerry sangatlah mudah dan ini merupakan salah satu kelebihan BlackBerry dibandingkan smartphone lainnya. Dengan upgrade OS, BlackBerry model lama akan memiliki fitur dan kemampuan yang hampir sama dengan model yang terbaru sekalipun.

Langkah pertama pertama untuk meng-upgrade OS BlackBerry ini adalah ketahui terlebih dahulu versi OS terbaru yang disediakan operator seluler yang kita gunakan. Sebaiknya kita tidak mendownload dari situs lain apalagi jika produk BlackBerry Anda merupakan program bundling operator seluler, karena pada beberapa operator tertentu hal ini dapat membatalkan garansi, tapi bisa disiasati dengan membalikkan lagi OS bawaan operator ketika akan mengklaim garansi.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Telkomsel Meluncurkan iPhone 3GS

Setelah sekian lama dirilis Apple, ponsel iPhone 3GS akhirnya hadir juga di Indonesia. Telkomsel selaku mitra operator tunggal, rencananya akan merilis ponsel bundling ini mulai Kamis, 18 Februari 2010.

Ponsel iPhone 3GS ini akan disediakan di GraPARI Telkomsel dan seluruh outlet resmi Apple Premium Reseller, Oke Shop, Sarindo, Telesindo Shop, dan Global Teleshop di 31 kota di Indonesia.

"Telkomsel juga akan mengadakan pameran penjualan iPhone yang digelar pada 19-21 Februari 2010 di Main Atrium, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta," sebut keterangan pers Telkomsel, Minggu (14/2/2010).

iPhone 3GS sendiri sejatinya hanya versi upgrade dari seri iPhone sebelumnya. Namun ada sejumlah perbaikan yang membuat ponsel ini jadi lebih nyaman, seperti kecepatan akses data dua kali lipat, daya tahan baterai lebih baik, kamera autofokus beresolusi 3 megapixel, kemudahan merekam video, pengatur suara handsfree, dan tentunya fitur copy paste untuk mengedit tulisan.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Corporate Account Management Telkomsel

Account Manajer adalah orang yang bertugas meghubungkan perusahaan tempatnya bekerja dengan para klien/pelanggan yang sangat spesifik, misalnya pelanggan perusahaan. Tanggung jawab Account Manajer adalah melakukan proses penjualan sekaligus menggabungkannya dengan layanan yang diberikan ke pelanggan itu sendiri. Mereka bertindak sebagai kontak person antara perusahaan dengan pelanggan dan bekerja erat dengan para pelanggan untuk menjawab kebutuhan mereka. Account Manager memastikan tidak ada rincian kebutuhan pelanggan yang terlewatkan dan pelanggan tergantung pada Account Manager untuk menjaga kepentingannya.

Corporate Account Management (CAM) Telkomsel

Corporate Account Management (CAM) Telkomsel merupakan divisi khusus yang dibentuk untuk melayani segmen pelanggan korporat, yang mempunyai misi untuk melayani kebutuhan masa depan pelanggan saat ini juga, secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan.

Selain itu, Telkomsel juga berkeinginan untuk menjadi bagian dari proses bisnis pelanggan korporat. Dengan cara memberikan solusi, masukan, ide-ide untuk pengembangan bisnis pelanggan dan memberikan komitmen atas kualitas produk dan servis dari Telkomsel

Untuk memberikan pelayanan yang lebih, CAM memiliki Account Manager yang secara khusus melayani pelanggan korporat. Account Manager ini berfungsi sebagai konsultan Anda dalam memberikan berbagai solusi bagi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelanggan korporat Telkomsel.

Sebagai bagian dari komitmen CAM untuk memberikan solusi yang terbaik bagi pelanggan korporat, CAM dapat memberikan solusi-solusi yang ada sesuai dengan kebutuhan khusus pelanggan.

Corporate Business Solutions Telkomsel

Secara garis besar, solusi-solusi layanan bisnis perusahaan yang ditawarkan oleh Telkomsel adalah sebagai berikut:

Business Mobility
Telkomsel Business Mobility menghadirkan berbagai solusi untuk menjawab semua kebutuhan mobilitas karyawan perusahaan untuk berkomunikasi, membuat keputusan serta mengakses informasi dan sumber daya perusahaan.

Dengan solusi yang terdapat dalam Business Mobility, setiap karyawan perusahaan dapat meningkatkan mobilitasnya serta tercapai efisiensi dan efektivitas kerja dalam memanfaatkan waktu dan sumber daya yang tersedia.

Detailnya bisa dilihat di sini.

Wireless Connectivity
Solusi Wireless Connectivity Telkomsel memberikan berbagai keuntungan bagi bisnis perusahaan Anda dan meningkatkan efisiensi serta efektivitas pekerjaan di perusahaan tersebut. Hal ini juga menjadikan tantangan yang berarti bagi departemen IT untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan koneksi nirkabel bagi karyawan perusahaan dimanapun, kapanpun.

Untuk itu Telkomsel kini hadir dengan Wireless Connectivity Solutions yang dapat membantu menjawab tantangan tersebut.

Detailnya bisa dilihat di sini.

Business Leveraging
Tingkatkan bisnis Anda dengan sumber daya yang ada atau terbatas melalui Telkomsel Business Leveraging Solutions. Pengembangan merupakan kunci utama untuk meningkatkan dan maksimalisasi bisnis perusahaan Anda.

Telkomsel menghadirkan Business Leveraging Solutions untuk membantu pengembangan bisnis perusahaan Anda walaupun investasi serta sumber daya yang tersedia masih terbatas.

Detailnya bisa dilihat di sini.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Telkomsel Meluncurkan BlackBerry Onyx

Meski agak terlambat dibanding dengan Operator lain di Indonesia yang telah lebih dulu meluncurkan BlackBerry Onyx, akhirnya Telkomsel meluncurkan paket bundling Telkomsel BlackBerry Onyx 9700 dengan harga normal Rp 5.850.000. Pembeli paket bundling ini akan mendapatkan gratis layanan BlackBerry Unlimited di bulan pertama serta diskon 50 persen di bulan ke-5 dan ke-6. Bahkan pemegang kartu kredit Citibank dapat memperoleh diskon paket bundling hingga 25 persen dengan melakukan points redeem pada eksebisi “Be Different, Be BlackBerry” yang digelar pada tanggal 22-24 Januari 2010 di Atrium East Mall, Grand Indonesia.

Pelanggan Telkomsel dapat menikmati paket BlackBerry Lifestyle yang merupakan inovasi layanan unlimited chatting dan social networking pertama di Indonesia. Di samping paket hemat harian yang hanya seharga Rp 2.000, tersedia pula paket mingguan Rp 15.000. Untuk paket hemat bulanan pelanggan dikenakan Rp 45.000 untuk bulan pertama dan selanjutnya Rp 60.000 per bulan.

Sementara itu, paket BlackBerry Business menyediakan unlimited push mail dan chatting dengan paket hemat harian Rp 3.000, paket mingguan Rp 20.000, dan paket bulanan Rp 65.000 untuk bulan pertama, selanjutnya Rp 80.000 per bulan.

Telkomsel juga menghadirkan paket BlackBerry Unlimited untuk layanan full services berupa unlimited push mail, chatting, browsing, social networking dengan harga paket hemat harian Rp 6.000, paket mingguan Rp 45.000, serta paket bulanan Rp 180.000.

Berikut tabel tarif paket hemat layanan BlackBerry Telkomsel:
Tarif prabayar sudah termasuk PPN, tarif pascabayar belum termasuk PPN

Untuk menikmati Paket Hemat BlackBerry Telkomsel tersebut cukup dengan mengakses layanan aktivasi BlackBerry via menu browser *303#. Dengan metode ini, pelanggan cukup menekan *303# lalu OK/yes, selanjutnya pilih paket hemat sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Demi menjamin kenyamanan pelanggan dalam menikmati layanan BlackBerry, Telkomsel akan menyiapkan jaringan layanan BlackBerry berkapasitas 200 Mbps, di samping dukungan jaringan terluas berkualitas dengan lebih dari 30.500 BTS (Base Transceiver Station) termasuk sekitar 5.000 Node B (BTS 3G) yang menjangkau hingga pelosok Indonesia.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Error Code pada BlackBerry

Berikut ini adalah kode-kode error yang terdapat pada BlackBerry:

101 Previous startup failed
The device was reset during the JVM boot process. The JVM found the boot in progress flag was set on startup. The screen is intended to break continuous reset loops so that corrective action can be taken.

102 Invalid code in filesystem
The system checked the COD files in the device for modification and determined that a problem exists with one or more COD files.
If all loads fail, a build process error might occur (a problem exists with signing the COD files).
If a user action on the device resulted in this problem, the reset cycle is continuous because the code in the filesystem has been corrupted. The only recovery method is to wipe the device and restore a new system.

103 Cannot find starting address
The starting address for the boot COD file cannot be found. This might indicate that a boot COD file has not been installed on the device or that its format is invalid or corrupt.

104 Uncaught:
An uncaught Java exception was thrown by the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM. Execution can continue, or the device can be attached to a debugger on a desktop computer. The Microsoft® Windows® Event Viewer log should contain the traceback of the thrown exception.

105 Example, DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d
The file system application programming interface (API) has returned an error status for a specific operation. This might indicate a corrupt filesystem or an error in the JVM.

106 Graphics system error
An error was detected in the graphics system on the device.

107 operator new() called
A C++ class in the JVM was coded incorrectly to inherit from VMRamObject that has the correct override for operator new. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP.

108 operator delete() called
A C++ class in the JVM has was coded incorrectly to inherit from VMRamObject that has the correct override for operator delete. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP.

109 PriorityMessageCount error: The value returned by RimPriorityMessageCount is negative. It should always be greater than, or equal to, zero. This indicates an error in the operating system code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.

110 Non-idle event downtime error:
A problem was detected in the accumulation of JVM down time, which represents how long the JVM has been idle. This usually indicates an error in the device firmware or the JVM. This could also occur if the tick count rolls over after 400 or more days of device time.

111 Font engine error
An error was detected in the font engine system on the device. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.

112 Java Native Assertion Failure
An error was detected in the Java native code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.

200 Application manager threw an uncaught exception
The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and cannot continue execution.

201 Crypto initialization code failed
The initialization of the crypto system failed and the device cannot continue execution.

202 An attack on the key store has been detected
An attack has been detected and execution cannot continue.

203 Console process died
The application manager console process (usually the Ribbon) has died. This is likely due to an uncaught exception during execution.

204 Persistent Content Exception
An application tried to commit a plaintext object to the Persistent Store. This will only happen if Content Protection is on and a process tries to save something in the PersistentStore that is marked as plaintext. Since this exception was not handled, the persistent store is in a bad state. You should reset to roll back to the last good commit point.
Note: This is not a JVM erro; the JVM is simply diagnosing the problem. The eventlog contains information about the erroneous Java code.

501 VM_THREAD_SWITCHED: Internal Error
This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.

502 VM_PROCESS_DEATH: All processes exited
The last Java process has terminated. There is nothing left to execute.

503 VM_THREAD_DEATH: Internal Error
This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.

504 VM_THREAD_SWITCH: Internal Error
This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.

505 VM_BAD_CODE: Bad Byte Code
An error has occurred in the JIT compiler.

506 Uncaught Exception
An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the initial VM Java thread, thus ending the only live thread in the system. The eventlog contains the traceback for the exception.

507 Unsatisfied Link
A dependency on a COD file could not be satisfied because the COD file is missing.

508 Invalid object
A problem has been detected with a debugger command to the VM.

509 VM_PPO_INFINITE_LOOP: infinite loop in PPO phase of GC
The maximum iteration count for the PPO phase of a GC must be the maximum number of file handles in the system. This error indicates that the iteration count exceeds the maximum. Hence, a flaw exists in the PPO loop or a corrupted file system. The extra hex integer in the error string is the flash id of the current record where the infinite loop was detected.

510 Deadlock All threads are waiting on objects, resulting in deadlock.
The system cannot recover from this state because no thread can release a lock.

511 Debug connection died
A problem has occurred while debugging that may be caused by a VM problem or an incorrect debugging command being sent to the VM.

512 GC Aborted
An idle garbage collection has been interrupted by a user event (for instance, a key was pressed or the trackwheel was used).

513 needs running
An opcode requires that a class execute before it can continue execution.

514 needs running A new instance of a class has been allocated and it must be initialized by the default constructor before it can be used.

515 Object group too big
The reachable objects form a group that cannot be represented properly by the JVM because either there are too many objects or the total size of the objects is too large.

516 Persistent ids exhausted
When committing a persistent object, the JVM found that the persistent store id counter reached its limit. The object was not committed and a critical error was reported. This error should not occur unless a device is heavily used for years.

517 Filesystem corrupt
An inconsistency was detected in the JVM persistent object store.

518 Unexpected longjmp
A garbage collection marking phase was terminated via a longjmp. This indicates that the marking phase was interrupted when it should have completed without interruption. This error should not occur because these actions are executed when the device is not idle, and GCs can only be interrupted when the device is idle.

519 Internal Error
The JVM host is missing or has been disabled.

520 Internal Return
This is an internal state that indicates a Java method return needs to be executed.

521 Dangerous Wait
An Object.wait() was executed by a thread that holds a lock on another object.

522 Interlaced synchronization
A thread acquired two locks on objects in an order that doesn't match the order in which a lock on the two types were previously acquired. This indicates a future potential deadlock situation and is reported. The check is only available in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLocks application switch.

523 System process died
A critical Java process has terminated, and the device cannot continue to operate in a normal manner.

524 LMM error
An object has been marked as recovered by the Low Memory Manager, but it was not freed during a garbage collection.

525 Bad persistent object
An auto-commit operation during a garbage collection detected a non-persistent object reachable from the persistent store root. The type of the object was output into the eventlog.

526 java.lang.Object not found
The class definition for java.lang.Object cannot be found.

527 java.lang.String not found
The class definition for java.lang.String cannot be found.

528 Corrupt filesystem. Unrecoverable.
All data will be lost All data will be lost when execution continues. The error message screen contains a number representing an internal reason for the corruption. This error is not diagnosed if a COD file was removed because the JVM must delete objects that were defined in the removed COD file. Thus, this error is not expected in normal device operation. Refer to the following reason codes:
1. Root array reference is not a valid array reference
2. Root array type is not Object[]
3. Root array size < 1 (i.e., Object[0])
4. Contents of root[0] is not a valid ref
5. Type of root[0] is not a LongIntHashtable
6. Persistent segmented array header contains an invalid reference
7. An entry in a persistent Object[] contains an invalid reference
8. An Object's type refers to an unknown codfile
9. An Object's type description in the codfile doesn't match the size in the store
10. A reference type field in an Object has an invalid reference in it
11. A reference type field in an object points to an object of the wrong type
12. A persistent Object[] is missing its descriptor
13. Object in persistent store is not marked as persistable
14. Root array is segmented and one of the segments is invalid

529 Corrupt filesystem. About to attempt recovery. Some data may be lost
Some data will be lost when execution continues. The error message screen contains a number representing an internal reason for the corruption. This error is not diagnosed if a COD file WAS removed because the VM must delete objects that were defined in the removed COD file. Thus, this error is not expected in normal device operation. Refer to the following reason codes:
1. Root array reference is not a valid array reference
2. Root array type is not Object[]
3. Root array size < 1 (i.e., Object[0])
4. Contents of root[0] is not a valid ref
5. Type of root[0] is not a LongIntHashtable
6. Persistent segmented array header contains an invalid reference
7. An entry in a persistent Object[] contains an invalid reference
8. An Object's type refers to an unknown codfile
9. An Object's type description in the codfile doesn't match the size in the store
10. A reference type field in an Object has an invalid reference in it
11. A reference type field in an object points to an object of the wrong type
12. A persistent Object[] is missing its descriptor
13. Object in persistent store is not marked as persistable
14. Root array is segmented and one of the segments is invalid

530 VM_PREVENT_GC_OVERFLOW: _preventGC overflow
A fixed number of native objects can be protected from garbage collection. This error indicates that a native has exceeded the fixed limit of objects that can be protected. If the device is reset or thread tracebacks are logged, the name of the actual native can be extracted.

531 Flash exhausted
There are certain operations where the JVM cannot withstand running out of flash space. In these circumstances, this error will be reported if the JVM cannot allocate a required amount of flash space.

532 VM_ASSERTION_FAILED: Assertion failed
Normally this JVM error should not be reported since the device is not shipped with assertions enabled. The simulator may report this error in debug mode indicating a VM assertion was violated. Try typing BKPT to activate the debugger and dump the native call stack for forwarding to the VM team.

533 VM_RUN_METHOD: needs running
This is used internally for ECMAScript to call Java methods.

534 VM_FAST_RESET_DISABLED: Fast Reset Disabled
This is used internally to indicate that fast reset capability is not available. Often used in platform-specific code.

535 VM_UNUSED_535: Unused
This is an unused VM error.

536 VM_FAST_RESET_BAD_INSTANCE: VM Instance Check Failed
This is used internally to indicate that the VM structure passed in is at the wrong address or has been corrupted.

537 VM_FAST_RESET_BAD_HEAP: Heap Check Failed
This is used internally to indicate that the VM heap has been corrupted or pointers into the heap have been corrupted.

This is used internally to indicate that the VM IRAM checks have detected corruption of VM data structures (threads and local stacks) that reside in IRAM.

This is used internally to indicate that the VM was not idle when the reset occurred and, as such, cannot continue with a fast reset.

This is used internally to indicate that the time since the last fast reset is less than a minimum time. By disallowing multiple fast resets in a short amount of time, this should prevent fast reset loops.

541 VM_HEAP_COMPACT_INFINITE_LOOP: infinite loop detected in heap compaction
The VM detected a problem in its RAM heap that indicates its RAM was corrupted. The problem was detected by identifying a possible infinite loop during RAM heap compaction. A bugdisp log and eventlog should be extracted quickly when the device is in this condition. If possible, images of RAM should be saved.

542 Transient memory leak
The JVM detected that some memory was not freed, indicating that a memory leak has occurred. This condition is detected as early as possible to improve chances of isolating the cause.

543 VM_FS_MISMATCH: Incompatible Java filesystem installed
The VM detected that the operating system binary is different from the operating system binary used to create the Java file system. This means that the Java native methods may not be linked properly and as such, the integrity of the system cannot be guaranteed. The system can be recovered by using the VM DLFX and DLPS commands to delete the fixups and persistent store. This will clear all data and fixups and let the filesystem re-link to match the new operating system binary.
Note: The recovery order is:
1. Delete fixups
2. Delete persistent store
3. Reset device

544 VM_SECTION_MAP_OVERFLOW: a module references more than 255 other modules
The VM detected that a module is trying to reference more than 255 other modules. Extract the filesystem immediately when this error is detected.

545 VM_INCOMPATIBLE_FILESYS: an incompatible or corrupt filesystem was found
The VM detected an incompatible or corrupt filesystem. Extract the filesystem immediately when this error is detected.

546 VM_UNUSED_546: unused
The VM detected that the RAM image of its filesystem is corrupted (failed CRC check). Better to reset than to duplicate the corruption into flash.

547 VM_UNUSED_547: unused This is an unused VM error.

548 VM_UNUSED_548: unused This is an unused VM error.

549 VM_UNUSED_549: unused This is an unused VM error.